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Media Studies (MED) - NCEA Level 2

The Year 12 Media Studies serves as an introduction to Media Studies, investigating the conventions and impact of a number of media types. Students will investigate narrative within a specific media form, study the way in which aspects of society are represented in the media, as well as plan, prepare and produce a piece of film media. Students will develop skills of critical thinking, teamwork and initiative, use of media technology, and communication in media. Please be advised that if a viable number of students do not select to study 12 Media Studies the course at Level 2 may not run in 2021.


Course Content:  Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.


Progression to NCEA Level 3: Entry into the Level 3 course will be at the discretion of the TIC. 




1. What is Media Studies?
Media Studies is a subject where you study the way in which media is created; the way it affects the viewer, and how it reflects / affects the society from which it came. We largely study / create visual texts (film and television) in the HIBS courses.

2. What kinds of things do you do in the course?
A – In Year 12 (Level 2) A large part of the year is focused around the creation of a media product. 2.5 has each student creating a ‘Brief, Treatment and Plan’ for a short film project. 2.8 is based around creating the ‘Script / Screenplay’ for the short film, using the formatting of a specific script. 2.6 has students ‘Create a Media Product’; a short film based on the work in 2.5. We also look at the way in which narrative is created in documentaries, and the way in which the ‘Sit-com’ genre has changed over time to reflect American society.

3. Do I have to make a media product by myself?
Students can work in groups of up to three on the creation of a media product. Some students choose to do the projects individually.

4. Is there an exam for Media Studies?
Year 12 (Level 2) Yes – there is one External unit.

5. Do I need my own filming gear?
The Performing Arts department has filming equipment you can use. If you have your own (and some students have had their own gear which is better than the departments) you are welcome to use it. Laptops which can run Premier Pro (licenses for Adobe Creative Cloud can be obtained through HIBS) have been very useful for students in the past.


Media Studies (MED) - NCEA Level 3

Minimum Entry Standard:

None, although Level 2 English does provide a good base. 


The Year 13 Media Studies course continues to develop the skills and abilities introduced in the Year 12 course. These include a range of skills such as teamwork, planning, critical thinking skills and the analysis of texts, practices and cultures. Students will be equipped with the ability to analyse the world around them and the messages shown to them through various media texts. Media Studies sets students up for a variety of career paths, whether it be the more practical media industry work or academic analysis of media texts.


Course Content:  Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.


Progression to NCEA Level 3: Entry into the Level 3 course will be at the discretion of the TIC. 




1. What is Media Studies?
Media Studies is a subject where you study the way in which media is created; the way it affects the viewer, and how it reflects / affects the society from which it came. We largely study / create visual texts (film and television) in the HIBS courses.

2. Do I need my own filming gear?
The Performing Arts department has filming equipment you can use. If you have your own (and some students have had their own gear which is better than the departments) you are welcome to use it. Laptops which can run Premier Pro (licenses for Adobe Creative Cloud can be obtained through HIBS) have been very useful for students in the past.