Shop hours for January and February are: Tuesday 21 & Wednesday 22 January open from 8am - 3pm, Monday 27 to Thursday 30 January open from 8am - 3pm, Wednesday 5 February open from 8am to 3pm, Monday 10 February onwards open normal hours (intervals and lunchtimes).

HIBS has a smart grey and blue uniform with red trim. Students are expected to wear the correct uniform and to be smartly presented at school, at any school function and when travelling to or from school. It is a mark of pride in the school. Both the student and his parents are expected to uphold this commitment if they accept a place at our school.

Grooming - Uniform is expected to be clean and tidy, in good repair and worn correctly at all times. Socks when worn in formal settings including class time, must be pulled up. Shoes or sandals must be kept clean. Only sandals sold with a back strap are permitted to be worn at school. All students are to be clean shaven. Hair should be clean, tidy, groomed (brushed or combed) and of a natural colour (one colour only). Hair must be cut back off the face, and if worn long must be tied back. Jewellery, including but not restricted to rings, ear studs, bracelets and necklaces are not to be worn.

Applications for dispensation on cultural grounds need to be made in writing to the Senior Management Team.

A full schedule of uniform requirements is listed on this page.

School Uniform Requirements & Prices

The Uniform Shop sells all items of uniform that are unique to HIBS. Contact Sandy Duffy, Uniform Shop Manager on 528-6227 ext 342 or email at

Please note:

Payment can be made by cash, eftpos, internet banking or visa card payment over the phone. The shop provides a full fitting service if needed. Should your son bring home a size you believe is not right for him, you can exchange the item the next day provided the label is not removed from the clothing.

Full Schedule

All items below marked with an *asterisk are compulsory at all levels

Shoes – Summer – Sandals sold with a back strap in black or brown (worn only with shorts, not long trousers) or black leather shoes
Shoes – Winter – black leather shoes (as per example above)

Regulation school shoes for Year 7 to 10 students are traditional black leather polishable lace-up shoes

Senior students only, have the option of wearing polishable slip-on shoes.




School Tie

Compulsory term 2 & 3


House Badge




Knee High, navy with two red stripes with sewn in garters



Grey polyester/viscose


Grey Trousers



Rembrant Trousers




Short sleeve



Long sleeve



All Sizes 



Sizes 3S, 2S, S, M



Sizes L, XL, 2XL,



Size 3XL


Code School Jacket

Navy / shower Proof


PE Drifit Shirt

Red and Blue


PE Drifit Shirt long sleeve

Red and Blue


PE Drifit Shorts



Sun Cap / Bucket Hat

Compulsory for years 7-9



For wear Term 2 & 3 only


House T-shirt

All sizes and colours



Available in large, medium and extra large



Red and Blue



Compulsory for boys in year 11, 12 & 13


Rugby Shorts



1st XV Rugby Shorts  


Rugby Socks

Navy/Red Stripes


Hockey/Soccer Socks



Cricket Baggie   $65.00
Hoodie   $75.00
School dress socks (for under trousers)   $15.00

Sizes XS to 2XL
