Registration process for Sport

To help the school put team lists together, we encourage students to register for both summer and winter sport online at the times below. Please note, you are registering for a code, not a team, and you may be required to attend trials.

Summer Sport Registrations January and February

Winter Sport Registrations March and April

Summer Sport Registrations October

Before you register consider the following:


  • When you join a team, you are expected to be fully committed to that team. This means you are required to attend all competitions, games and trainings as required by your coach and manager.
  • You will also be expected to inform your coach or manager if you are unable to attend competitions, games or training sessions.
  • If you have commitments to work, study or to other sports, please think carefully about registering for the code.

Training Times

  • At the start of the season the team coach will confirm team training days and times.
  • We make every endeavour at HIBS to work in with other sports codes so there are no training clashes.


  • Daily notices that are read out every morning in class, text messaging, email and Facebook are the key ways that Coaches and Managers can communicate with players.
  • Individual coaches will decide on the most effective way of communicating with his or her team.

Multiple Sports registrations

It is the school's preference that students play two sports per season, however you must ensure that there is no conflict of practice and playing days with the two codes that you have selected to play.

There is also an opportunity for a student to participate in three sports in a given season. To facilitate this, a written request signed by the student’s parents needs to be submitted to the Director of Sport. This application will then be submitted to the Sports Committee who will review the application and advise accordingly.

Registration process for students when registering for a sport:

  • Read the registration information carefully
  • Choose the sports you want to play and check that practice and game times for these sports do not clash
  • Think about how much time you have available to attend training and matches